Bantry Museum

a wonderful insight and record of the past in Bantry

Bantry Museum consists of a collection of artefacts gathered by the Bantry Historical Society.  Among the exhibitis are furniture, kitchen utensils, crockery and other items from domestic life in Bantry long ago.

Newspapers record mundane events and trivia from Bantry’s past.  The curators entertain visitors with a mix of historical facts and local folklore.  You will also discover information about the failed French Armada invasion of 1796 that accompanied the Irish patriot Wolfe Tone.

Bantry Museum is located behind the Bantry Fire Station, Wolfe Tone Square, Bantry.

Opening Hours:
June-Sept – currently closed for the Winter

Things to Do in Bantry

We have plenty more things to do in Bantry, be it Indoor, Outdoor or Heritage activites.  Bantry offers a variety of things to do for all the family.

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